Tag Archives: Jane Dawson

2018 EMROC Transcribathon!

Today’s the day; Early Modern Recipes Online Collective (EMROC) is hosting their annual Transcribathon! This year, they’re working with a late-seventeenth-century cookbook by Jane Dawson, from the Folger Library.

Cookbook of Jane Dawson, late 17th century. Image courtesy of Folger Digital Image Collection
Cookbook of Jane Dawson, late 17th century. Image courtesy of Folger Digital Image Collection


We invite all Recipes Project readers to join us! For more information on today’s event, check out the following posts:

Transcribathon 2018 (EMROC)

Transcribathon 2018 Instructions and Glossaries (EMROC)

The Dawson Project (EMROC)

Liza Blake on Hosting a Transcribathon

Follow along with us Twitter at EMROC, Lisa Smith and the #EMROCtranscribes hashtag. See you there!