Dear RP community members,
We have, once again, reached our annual break. While we’re away, we’ll be spending some quality time with these RP posts:
Jacqueline Soule’s Mesquite Atole – Kúi Wihog
Betsy Golden Kellem’s The Circus Origins of Pink Lemonade
Sharifa Lookman’s Experiencing Historical Techniques through the Color Black at the ROOHTS Summer School
Sally Osborn’s Eighteenth-Century DIY
Elizabeth Hunter’s ‘Dwale’: A Medieval Sleeping Drug in a Seventeenth-Century Receipt Book
When we return, we’ll have exciting news about new directions for the RP. Until then, all best wishes for rest and rejuvenation!
RP Editorial Team
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Amanda Herbert (August 4, 2022). August Break. The Recipes Project. Retrieved February 17, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/tdcy